
The Biomedical Engineering Group has a variety of ultrasound and electrophysiology measurement facilities and an MR research laboratory.

The ultrasound laboratory

The ultrasound laboratory comprises state-of-the-art commercial and research scanners, phantoms, oscilloscopes, transducers and some of the fastest computer facilities in Denmark:


  • Several commercial ultrasound scanners
    The experimental ultrasound scanners RASMUS and SARUS
  • BK Medical's ProFocus
  • The Field II simulation program
  • A water tank with movement system
  • Various ultrasound phantoms

The electrophysiology laboratory

The electrophysiology laboratory houses a 64 channel EEG measurement system for brain-computer interface studies.

The MR research laboratory

The lab is equipped with two unique prototype polarizers for research on hyperpolarization of nuclear spins and has a 400 MHz NMR and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance at 1, 3 and 10 GHz. The research aims at hyperpolarizing biological molecules with relevance for metabolic studies by advancing the technology in a cross disciplinary field of e.g. electromagnetism, cryogenics, magnetism and fluid dynamics.